Sunday, March 13, 2011

Add Math

Add Math atau name penohnye Additional Mathematics atau Met Tam adelah antare subjek baru yg aku jumpe bile dah upper form ni. Bab atau chapter pertamanya adelah "Function". Bukannye function bandar atau racing moto. Jadi apekah itu "met tam"?
"Additional Mathematics is a UK qualification pilot scheme in its final year of implementation for a GCSE level qualification in mathematics. which is applied to a range of problems set out in a different format to the standard Mathematics GCSE.
In Malaysia, Additional Mathematics is offered as an elective to upper secondary students studying within the public education system. This subject is included in the SPM examination.
Topics that are covered in the Additional Mathematics syllabus include functions,quadratic equations,differentiation and intergration (calculus)."
Kalo tk faham pandai-pandai lah tekan besta ye tuan. Jadi,apekah faktor utame saya post pasal subjek ni? Ia adelah disebabkan keputusan markah saye yg amat membanggakan pada test yang lalu.

11 darab 2 hasilnyee 22%. Amat cemerlang bukan?

Jangan buka kertas soalan sehingga diberitahu